Can You Use More Than One H1 Tag On A Page? Why Or Why Not?

Situation-Based Question

Imagine you’re working with a website that covers a wide range of topics—everything from healthy eating tips to fitness workouts and mental wellness. The content manager reaches out to you with a concern: “We’ve been debating whether to use multiple H1 tags on our homepage. We’re covering so many topics, but I’m not sure if using more than one H1 tag could help or hurt our SEO. What’s your take on this?”

Exact Answer

It’s best to use just one H1 tag per page. Using multiple H1 tags can confuse search engines about the main focus of the page, potentially hurting SEO.


The H1 tag is considered the main headline of your page, giving search engines and users a clear understanding of what the page is about. If you use multiple H1 tags, here’s why that can be problematic:

  1. Search Engine Confusion:
    • Search engines like Google rely on the H1 tag to understand the primary topic of the page. If there are multiple H1 tags, it can confuse search engines about which one is the most important, possibly leading to less relevant results or poor rankings.
  2. Best Practice Structure:
    • For SEO and readability, it’s ideal to use one H1 tag, which clearly defines the main focus of the page. Following the H1 tag with H2 or H3 tags helps organize the content into sections, making it easier for both search engines and users to understand.
  3. HTML5 Flexibility:
    • In HTML5, it’s possible to use multiple H1 tags in certain cases, like in articles or blog posts with distinct sections. However, this still requires careful structuring and clear organization to avoid confusion.
  4. User Experience:
    • When you use multiple H1 tags, it can make your content harder to follow. If users are looking for a specific topic, having too many prominent headings might make it unclear which one they should focus on, affecting the overall user experience.


Let’s say you’re optimizing the homepage for that health-focused website. Here’s how you might structure the headings:

  • H1 Tag: “Your Ultimate Guide to Healthy Living”
    • This is the primary focus—it’s clear, concise, and sets the tone for the page.
  • H2 Tags:
    • “Nutrition Tips for Better Health”
    • “Effective Fitness Routines to Try”
    • “Mindfulness Practices for Mental Wellness”

This structure is clear to both search engines and users: the H1 focuses on the overall theme of healthy living, while the H2s break down the content into specific areas.

Now, if you were to use multiple H1 tags, like this:

  • H1 Tag: “Your Ultimate Guide to Healthy Living”
  • H1 Tag: “Nutrition Tips for Better Health”

You risk confusing both search engines and readers, making it harder for your page to rank and for users to understand what’s most important.

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