How Do You Prevent Search Engines From Indexing Certain Pages?

Situation-Based Question

Imagine you have a blog with hundreds of posts and a few special pages, like a “Thank You” page that users see after signing up, or a thank-you page after a purchase. These pages aren’t useful to be indexed by Google because they don’t provide much value to searchers and might even end up being indexed by mistake. So, how do you prevent search engines from indexing these specific pages?

Exact Answer

To prevent search engines from indexing certain pages, you can use the robots.txt file or add a meta noindex tag to the HTML of those pages.


There are two main ways to prevent search engines from indexing pages on your website:

  1. Using robots.txt:
    The robots.txt file can be placed in the root directory of your website. It tells search engine crawlers which pages or sections of your site they should not crawl or index. For example, you might block the “Thank You” page or user login pages that don’t contribute to your SEO.Example of a robots.txt file:
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /thank-you/
    Disallow: /user-login/

    However, note that robots.txt only tells search engines not to crawl those pages, but it doesn’t prevent them from indexing the content if they’re linked from other parts of the site.
  2. Using the Meta Noindex Tag:
    If you want to make sure search engines never index certain pages, you can use the meta noindex tag in the HTML code of those pages. This tag specifically tells search engines to ignore that page when it comes to indexing, regardless of whether it’s crawled or linked.
    Here’s an example of how to implement the noindex tag:
    <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex”>
    The noindex tag can be added in the <head> section of a page’s HTML code. This ensures that even if Googlebot crawls the page, it won’t be added to the search results.


Imagine you have a page that shows a thank-you message after users sign up for your newsletter. You don’t want this page to appear in search results because it doesn’t provide any useful information to searchers.

You could do one of the following:

  • Option 1: Using robots.txt:
    Add a rule to your robots.txt file:
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /thank-you-page/
  • Option 2: Using a meta noindex tag:
    In the HTML of the “Thank You” page, you’d add this tag:
    <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex”>

Both methods will prevent search engines from indexing that page, but the noindex tag is more direct and guarantees the page will not be shown in search results, even if it’s crawled.

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