How Does Redirect Chaining Affect SEO?

Story Based Question

You’re managing a growing e-commerce website that has undergone several redesigns and URL changes over the years. A recent SEO audit reveals something odd: several of your product pages are redirecting to other pages, which then redirect to another, and so on. You’re concerned that these redirects might be harming your website’s SEO performance. What exactly is redirect chaining, and how can it negatively impact your site’s rankings?

Exact Answer

Redirect chaining occurs when a URL redirects to another URL, which in turn redirects to another, creating a “chain” of redirects. This can negatively affect SEO because it increases page load times, can dilute link equity, and may cause search engines to fail to index some pages properly.


Redirects are an important part of managing a website, especially when URLs change or content is moved. However, when redirects are set up in a sequence (i.e., one redirect leading to another), it creates redirect chaining, which can harm your website’s SEO performance. Here’s how:

  1. Increased Load Times:
    Each time a page redirects to another, it adds extra time to the page load. Search engines and users don’t want to wait for multiple redirects to load a page, especially when it happens frequently. This results in slower page load speeds, which can hurt your SEO, as Google uses page speed as a ranking factor.
  2. Dilution of Link Equity:
    Link equity (or “link juice”) is the value passed from one page to another via links. In a redirect chain, the link equity gets diluted with each additional redirect. The more redirects in the chain, the less link equity is passed on to the final destination page. This can lower the authority of the page you’re trying to rank.
  3. Crawling and Indexing Issues:
    Search engine bots may struggle to follow long redirect chains. If bots hit too many redirects, they may stop following the chain or fail to reach the intended page. This can result in certain pages not being indexed or ranked at all, hurting your overall site visibility in search engines.
  4. Poor User Experience:
    Redirect chains also impact the user experience. If users click on a link and are sent through several redirects, it feels cumbersome and frustrating. This can increase bounce rates and lower overall engagement on your website, which can indirectly hurt your rankings.


Let’s say you recently redesigned your e-commerce website and moved several product pages to new URLs. One of your product pages, “Eco-Friendly Water Bottles,” used to be at, but you moved it to a new, more organized URL:

  • Creating a Redirect Chain:
    Instead of setting up a direct 301 redirect from eco-water-bottles to the new URL, you accidentally create a chain: eco-water-bottles redirects to old-products, which redirects to eco-friendly-products/water-bottles.
  • Impact on SEO:
    Now, when a search engine bot tries to follow the links, it has to go through two redirects to reach the correct page. This causes the page to load slower, dilutes the link equity passed to the final URL, and makes it more likely that the bot might miss the page entirely if the chain is too long. Additionally, users might be frustrated by the delay in accessing the product page.

In this scenario, instead of creating a redirect chain, a direct 301 redirect from eco-water-bottles to the new product page URL would have ensured faster load times, preserved link equity, and improved both crawling and indexing efficiency.

Redirect chaining negatively impacts SEO by slowing page load times, diluting link equity, causing crawling issues, and leading to a poor user experience. To avoid these issues, always ensure redirects are set up in a direct and simple manner, without unnecessary steps in the chain.

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